Travel to OKC

Fly Into:

Will Rogers World Airport (OKC) in Oklahoma City

7100 Terminal Dr,
Oklahoma City, OK 73159

OKC Airport to Omni Hotel

Distance between Will Rogers World Airport and Omni Oklahoma City Hotel:
9.8 miles

Omni Hotel to First Presbyterian

Distance between Omni Oklahoma City hotel and First Presbyterian Church of Oklahoma City:
3.5 miles

Rental Car

It is recommended that you consider renting a car for the weekend. While the First Presybterian Church and the Omni Oklahoma City Hotel are within a few miles of each other, it will make travel to and from the airport, as well as to the church, easier. For those that will be notified of participation for the rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner, having a car would be ideal.

The parking lot of the church is free and will accommodate many cars. The parking at the hotel and nearby parking garages requires payment.


The address to the garage of the Oklahoma City Convention Center is located at:

15 SW 4th St.
Oklahoma City, OK 73109

This will be the only option for self-parking available, within close proximity to the Omni hotel.


Please note that the hotel does not have control over the cost of parking at the garage and should there be a large event at the Paycom Center or Convention Center, there may be a cash fee required for entry, upon arrival.

At this time, there is a concert scheduled on Friday, March 15, 2024 at the Paycom Center, but there are no events, currently, that would impact parking on the wedding day,  Saturday, March 16, 2024.

Parking would be around $10/day

Another option in the immediate area is valet at the hotel which is around $19/day.