Besil Mammen

Besil aka Beasly aka Tommy. I had a hundred pictures of me and Besil from over the years that I could have made a slideshow just on us. However, it was fitting to add this throwback, found in my parent’s album, picture of us. Of all my groomsmen, Besil is the one I have known the longest. I would actually say, of all my FRIENDS, he is the one I have known the longest. We grew up living right next door to each other and then when our families moved to bigger homes, we ended up living 5 minutes from each other. Besil and I were a little more distant during our college years but thankful that God brought us back together after that. We worked at the same company in the city for awhile and used to take the train in every single day from Gurnee. His parents are like my parents and I overuse the word brother in my groomsmen highlights, but he is and we know we will always be there for each other.