Binil Samuel

Best Man – In Loving Memory

This is probably the hardest paragraph I have had to write so far. I saved it for last. As I sit here, flashbacks and a ton of emotions start stirring up. My brother Binil, who was 7 years younger then me, died in a car accident when he was 22 years old. The car he was riding in was hit by a drunk driver. He had just graduated college and had a new career he was starting. That single moment, when I got the phone call and went to the accident site, set my life into a crazy tailspin. My parents, my sister, his friends, our community, just flipped upside down. My brother and I had a complicated relationship, but we were also the classic example of brothers. The afternoon before his accident, he and I had the best conversation that I think we ever had in our whole life. I believe that was God closing a chapter. It’s hard knowing that I found the love of my life and I’m making this committment in front of all my family and friends and he won’t physically be there.

After my brother passed, for a long time it was just four of us sitting around my parent’s kitchen table. Years of seeing an empty chair at that table set for six. In God’s perfect plan, he brought my sister’s husband John to take one of those seats and we were thrilled. Now, by God’s absolute favor and love, He brought Tonia into my life to take the other open seat.

I can go on about my brother but I wil leave it at that and encourage you all to watch his memorial video on the “Inspirations” page. He will always be my only blood brother, my best man, and I look forward to the day we can meet again.