Denny Varghese

Denny and I have known each other for a long time but he doesn’t seem to remember unless I show him some old school pictures. I will say though the last 10 years have been awesome, as we both lived in the city, and still do right now. Many nights out, bike rides, movies, games, dinners, walks, and a ton of inside jokes. Denny is the guy that we can either be out on the town or bumming in his apartment, ordering in food and watching bootleg movies that never work. We always manage to have a great time. I was honored to stand with him on his wedding day in August and as I entered wedding planning, his advice and tips have been much needed. We consistently have solid, deep conversations but also just laughing at stupid things. Currently him and Anvi live 5 minutes away and I hope at the point we both end up in the suburbs that we continue to be neighbors.