Janice Mathew

Janice has been my best friend since middle school. I actually stole her from Sonia when we were young, as Sonia went off to conquer the world. My best memories with Janice are from high school when she picked me up every day of the summer and we would be out from early in the morning to late at night, watching movies, going out to eat, going to concerts, getting in trouble, and doing random, useless things.  We had so many sleepovers, watched every scary movie together, and would love to just be around each other for hours. She brought out my for love music, fashion, and how to love and serve the church.  Anytime I am in New York, she always goes out of her way to make me amazing food and take me to the best places she knows I would love. She had a big part in how I met Bijoy and I am grateful for her friendship all these years. She has never wavered and though we are not related, she is a sister to me.