Joel Philip

JP! This picture represents one of our finer moments as pre-teens. I would consider Joel one of my oldest and closest friends, first meeting each other in Sunday School as kids. Over 30 + years of friendship right here. We had our peaks and valleys but he has been one of my most consistent friends. Joel and I came to grow in our faith together. He will always be a critical part of my journey, as in those early years we were figuring it out together. We also navigated relationships, crushes and just had a ton of memories. I love our monthly hangouts and regular phone calls when he is driving home from work. Joel was also the first person that was with me the moment we found out my brother was in a car accident. While most of that night was a blur I do remember sitting on the ground in an empty parking lot, leaned up against a chain link fence, crying with this guy. Absolutely honored to have him be a part of our wedding.